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Seminar 22 May 2020

Optimizing the Fitting of Linear Mixed Models - Comparing BLAS Subroutines in Isolation (no pun intended)

Date: 22 May 2020, Friday

Time: 2 pm

Speaker: Luke Mazur (Univeristy of Wollongong)


Linear mixed models arising from animal and plant breeding result in sparse sets of Mixed Model Equations with particular structures. An effective method of fitting these models is the Average Information (AI) algorithm, and the largest computational bottlenecks in the AI algorithm are the solution of these equations and the calculation of the Sparse Inverse Subset for the AI updating. There are a number of potential Basic Linear Algebra Sublibrary (BLAS) subroutines that can be used for these tasks, and potential candidates are investigated via a comparative experiment to see which combination of these is best.

