Social media analysis and COVID-19
Date: 5 June 2020, Friday
Time: 3 pm
Speaker: Dr Lewis Mitchell (University of Adelaide)
The COVID-19 pandemic has produced a number of areas where mathematical modelling and data science might make important contributions to the public health response. Concurrently, it has led to a unique improvement in the number of datasets (some anonymised, some not) being provided by typically-ungenerous tech companies to researchers to potentially assist with this response. This talk will explore how we are utilising a few of these datasets coming from the large social media platforms to attack COVID-related problems, including:
- Measuring social distancing and predicting risk using Facebook data
- Quantifying the ‘arc’ of patient experience of COVID-19 using Reddit
- Contact tracing: tracking public sentiment towards the COVIDSafe app using Twitter, and modelling app effectiveness
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