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Seminar 1 October 2020 12.00pm

 Multi-type age-structured population model

Date: 01 October 2020, Thursday

Time: 12.00pm
Contact the organizer: Andriy Olenko

Speaker: Dr Jie Yen FAN (Monash University)


Population process in general setting, where each individual reproduces and dies depending on the state (such as age and type) of the individual as well as the entire population, offers a more realistic framework to population modelling. Formulating the population dynamics as a measure-valued stochastic process allows us to incorporate such dependence. We describe the dynamics of a multi-type age-structured population as a measure-valued process, and obtain its asymptotics, in particular, the law of large numbers and the central limit theorem.

Joint work with Kais Hamza, Peter Jagers and Fima Klebaner.
