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Seminar 16 September @ 10 am


Sampling for border biosecurity inspection

Date: Thursday, 16 September 2021

Time: 10 am - 11 am


The invasion of alien pests and diseases is one of the most important socio-ecological challenges worldwide. One option available to the regulator to monitor and reduce biosecurity risk associated with international trade is border inspection, that is, intercepting and stopping pests at point of entry. In this talk, we will present the classical acceptance sampling methods that underpin the design of border biosecurity inspection regimes. We will also present several challenges encountered by biosecurity analysts in practice: biosecurity data is often overdispersed, sometimes right-censored, and occasionally, the variables of interest are even unobserved. In this talk, we will present novel methods to deal with these situations and explore how, for better or worse, the different aspects of the data interact with each other. 

Zoom Link: Please contact Yanrong Yang ( to obtain the zoom link for this seminar.