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Seminar @2pm Friday 27 May

Quasi-score matching estimation for spatial autoregressive models with random
weights matrix and regressors 

Speaker: Tao Zou (ANU) 

Time: 14-15pm Friday 27 May 2022 

Location: Zoom at 

Abstract: Due to the rapid development of social networking sites, the spatial
autoregressive (SAR) model has played an important role in social network studies.
However, the commonly used quasi-maximum likelihood estimation (QMLE) for the SAR model
is not computationally scalable as the network size is large.  In addition, when
establishing the asymptotic distribution of the parameter estimators of the SAR model,
both weights matrix and regressors are assumed to be non-stochastic in classical spatial
econometrics, which is perhaps not realistic in real applications.  Motivated by the
machine learning literature, quasi-score matching estimation for the SAR model is
proposed.  This new estimation approach is still likelihood-based, but significantly
reduces the computational complexity of the QMLE.  The asymptotic properties of
parameter estimators under the random weights matrix and regressors are established,
which provides a new theoretical framework for the asymptotic inference of the SAR type
models.  The usefulness of the quasi-score matching estimation and its asymptotic
inference are illustrated via extensive simulation studies.  This is a joint work with
Dr Xuan Liang at ANU.