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Seminar 18 August @ 10 am AEST

Sample Path and Extreme Value Properties of Multivariate Gaussian Random Fields

Date: 18 August 2022, Thursday

Time: 10am AEST

Statistics and Stochastic colloquium (part of the Colloquium Series of the Department of Mathematics and Statistics) at La Trobe University jointly organized with the Probability Victoria Seminar.

Contact the organizers: Kostya Borovkov, Andriy Olenko

Prof Yimin Xiao ( Michigan State University, USA)

Abstract: In this talk, we present some recent results on sample path and extreme value properties of a large class of multivariate Gaussian random fields including multivariate Gaussian fields, operator fractional Brownian motion, vector-valued operator-scaling random fields, and matrix-valued Gaussian random fields. These results illustrate explicitly the effects of the dependence structures among the coordinate processes on the sample path and extreme value properties of multivariate Gaussian random fields.

Zoom meeting link:

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Password: 457925 (just in case)

A PDF file with the talk slides might become available for downloading from our seminar Webpage at prior to the talk (the above Zoom link has already been posted there).