Localization in Strongly Reinforced Random Walks
Date: 6 April 2023, Thursday
Time: 10am AEST
and Stochastic colloquium (part of the Colloquium Series of the
Department of Mathematics and Statistics) at La Trobe University jointly
organized with the Probability Victoria Seminar.
Contact the organizers: Kostya Borovkov kostya.borovkov@gmail.com, Andriy Olenko a.olenko@latrobe.edu.au
Speaker: Dr Andrea Collevecchio (Monash University, Australia)
Abstract: We discuss Strongly Reinforced Random Walks. In particular we focus on new results on the localization of nonlinear Vertex-Reinforced Jump Processes (VRJPs). This is a class of continuous time processes which prefer to visit vertices that accumulated larger local time in the past. VRJP is connected to the Supersymmetric Sigma-Model studied in Mathematical Physics. This talk is based on joint works with Minh Nguyen and Stas Volkov.
Zoom meeting link:
(if the above link doesn't work when you click it -- please copy & paste it into the address bar in your browser).
Password: 874357 (just in case)
PDF file with the talk slides might become available for downloading
from our seminar Webpage at https://probvic.wordpress.com/pvseminar/
prior to the talk (the above Zoom link is already there).