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Seminar 25 May @ 5 pm AEST


Stochastic flows in infinite dimensions

Date: 25 May 2023, Thursday

Time: 5pm AEST

Statistics and Stochastic colloquium (part of the Colloquium Series of the Department of Mathematics and Statistics) at La Trobe University jointly organized with the Probability Victoria Seminar.

Contact the organizers: Andriy Olenko, Kostya Borovkov

Prof Ben Goldys (The University of Sydney, the Commonwealth of Australia)

Stochastic flows associated with finite dimensional SDEs and random dynamical systems are an important tool for the study of large time behaviour of solutions and for their pathwise analysis. The existence of (smooth) stochastic flows in finite dimensions is well understood, see for example books by Kunita. The famous Skorokhod example shows that the situation is completely different in infinite dimensions (hence for stochastic PDEs). The existence of the flow for infinite dimensional stochastic systems is known in some special cases but is little understood. We will present new results on the existence of the flows in infinite dimensions. We will also present applications to the existence theory of stochastic PDEs and to the question of regularity of transition semigroups.

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