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Seminar 16 November @ 6:30 pm AEDT

Quantitative CLTs in Deep Neural Networks

Date: 16 November 2023, Thursday

Time: 6:30 pm AEDT

Statistics and Stochastic colloquium (part of the Colloquium Series of the Department of Mathematics and Statistics) at La Trobe University jointly organized with the Probability Victoria Seminar.

Contact the organizers: Andriy Olenko, Kostya Borovkov

Ivan Nourdin (Universitéit Lëtzebuerg, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg)

In this talk, we will study the distribution of a fully connected neural network with random Gaussian weights and biases in which the hidden layer widths are proportional to a large constant n. More precisely, we will explain how to prove quantitative bounds on normal approximations valid at large but finite n and any fixed network depth. This is based on a joint work with S. Favaro, B. Hanin, D. Marinucci and G. Peccati.

Zoom meeting link:
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A PDF file with the talk slides might become available for downloading from prior to the talk