Instability, Computational Efficiency and Statistical Accuracy *** Update 3 June 2022: This seminar is cancelled because the speaker has an unexpected family issue. We are trying to re-schedule the seminar with him. Speaker: Nhat Ho (University of Texas at Austin) Time: 14-15h Friday 3 June 2022 Link: Abstract: Many statistical estimators are defined as the fixed point of a data-dependent operator, with estimators based on minimizing a cost function being an important special case. The limiting performance of such estimators depends on the properties of the population-level operator in the idealized limit of infinitely many samples. We develop a general framework that yields bounds on statistical accuracy based on the interplay between the deterministic convergence rate of the algorithm at the population level, and its degree of (in)stability when applied to an empirical object based on n samples. Using this framework, we analyze both ...
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